working principle

- Skin regeneration is improved;
- Itching and pain disappear;
- Skin becomes soft and moisturized;
- It turned out to be light peeling, so the keratinized scales fell off quickly;
- The affected area shrinks and new psoriasis plaques no longer form;
- Normalization of sebaceous gland function;
- Fungi and other microorganisms living on the scalp are removed.
important!Ordinary shampoos sold in cosmetics stores do not have a strong effect on the dermis and are therefore ineffective against psoriasis. You need to look for an effective drug in a pharmacy - it is mostly sold without a prescription.

The advantages and disadvantages of
- Lightweight and easy to use (using the product is really no different than regular shampooing);
- It not only affects the skin, but also affects the structure of the hair itself;
- Results are fairly quick within two weeks (if you follow the instructions);
- hinders the development of new papules;
- Restore skin regeneration;
- Cleanse the dermis to avoid peeling.
- not cheap;
- May cause hair dryness;
- Not suitable for all scalps;
- Often addictive.
- children;
- People suffering from dermatitis of the skin;
- Those with local ulcers on the papules;
- People with syphilis and skin malignancies.
Application rules
- Some bottles must be shaken before washing your hair.
- Most products are suitable for use on wet hair. Start by washing your hair to cleanse the sebum in the dermal layer, then towel-dry your curls. When the skein is slightly damp, apply psoriasis shampoo to your head.
- When using a healing suspension, try to apply the drug mainly where the pimples gather. Be sure to massage your scalp to allow the product to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. On the dermis, apply the active formula with your fingertips as you scratch the irritated area with your fingernail.
- Leave the shampoo on for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of liquid. You can repeat the procedure with selected cosmeceuticals, but not more than 2 times.
- When treating psoriasis, use shampoo 2-3 times a week for 14 days.The number of approaches should then be reduced - mainly once a week.
- Your scalp will get used to the active ingredients in your shampoo. Usually, this happens after two weeks. In this case, the dressing should not be changed immediately. It is best to wait a week or two before resuming treatment.
- It is recommended to buy two types of shampoo: tar shampoo and medicated shampoo. They need to alternate.
- After washing your hair, do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair, but also rinse your hair with decoction.
Very important point!If you have psoriasis, permanent dyes are not recommended. They only aggravate the condition and trigger the appearance of numerous psoriasis papules.
Shampoo Reviews
- Designed to remove dead particles (based on tar, sulfur, salicylic acid);
- Kills microorganisms, especially the fungi Pityrosporum, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (added zinc pyrithione, antifungal substance);
- Relieve inflammation and pain (based on corticosteroids (hormones), therefore used only after consulting a dermatologist and trichologist);
- Baby shampoo, used as a prophylactic between major treatments.
- Shampoo designed to disinfect the skin. It is perfect against not only bacteria, but also fungi. The drug contains zinc pyrithione and many other useful ingredients. There are actually no contraindications to this shampoo (they just come down to personal intolerance to the drug). Apply product several times to damp hair. The first results are achieved after 14 days of active use, 2-3 times a day. The cost is quite high.
- The key ingredient in this product is a hormone designed to remove dry scabs that have formed and relieve the inflammatory process (redness and itching). It is recommended for preventive purposes, since it does not remove peeling, but only reduces the risk of worsening of the disease. The product should be applied to dry head and left on for about 15 minutes. Best used in conjunction with an exfoliating shampoo. Please be careful when using this shampoo. Improvement occurred after two weeks, followed by a worsening of the condition, and the possibility that psoriasis manifested itself with a double force cannot be ruled out.
- Products containing juniper tar. A thick substance applied to the scalp heals wounds caused by combing, kills fungus and relieves redness.
- Zinc pyrithione-based shampoos have been shown to be very effective in treating psoriasis. It not only removes bacteria but also removes dead skin cells at the same time. It is recommended to apply this product 2 times during a hair wash and then rinse. Product costs are relatively low.
- Tar and salicylic shampoo. The first remedy works well to heal various wounds and reduce inflammation, while the second remedy dries, exfoliates and nourishes the dermis, and also improves the microcirculation of the skin. The first product costs slightly more than a shampoo with added salicylic acid.
- One of the most effective remedies. Its main substance is a representative of the imidazole family, which is effective against fungi and any type of infection. In addition, cosmetics perfectly heal wounds and stabilize sebaceous glands. If you experience a slight tingling sensation upon first use, you should not cancel your treatment. However, if the burning sensation is severe, the medication should be discontinued.
- In the range of shampoos designed to combat dandruff, psoriasis, lichen and seborrheic dermatitis, there are two products: containing tar and zinc. The first drug cleanses the scalp, improves hair structure and stabilizes the production of sebum (called sebum) under the skin. The second goal is to stabilize the function of the sebaceous glands and fight microorganisms.
- The active substance of this cosmetic is selenium disulfide, which has a beneficial effect on the function of the sebaceous glands. Also included are infusions of burdock root and cinnamon alcohol. The drug's therapeutic formula normalizes cell division and promotes their correct renewal. Additionally, your hair will gain a beautiful shine after using this shampoo.
- Perhaps one of the cheapest treatments that successfully eliminates redness and itching and clears the skin. The drug has no aggressive effects. The only contraindication is a personal intolerance to birch tar.
- Antifungals. Its key ingredients—substances from the imidazole and zinc pyrithione group—are synthetically derived. According to user reviews, it helps remove dry scab from the skin on top of pimples.
remember!Psoriasis is an incurable disease that can recur due to hormone imbalances, stress, or a weakened immune system.